Why Do People Get Migraines?
Links t related videos:
Painful Migraines
Migraine Reasons
Causes For A Migraine Headache
What Is A Migraine?
Migraine Pain Symptoms
Causes Of Severe Migraines
Transcript: Why Do People Get Migraines?
I'm doing this video about migraine headaches because my wife has had to deal with them for years, and so I've learned a lot about them. I'm going to share some of the basics with you in this short video. Besides what I've learned from experience, I'm also including some information I've found by doing research on migraine causes on reputable and reliable medical websites like those you see on your screen.
A migraine, pronounced migraine in some countries, is a severe headache characterized by throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation. This pain can go on for days and even cause debilitation to the point that the sufferer can't get out of bed. Typically, pain occurs in only one side of the head, and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.
They can strike at any age, but most start as early as adolescence, and women are three times more likely to get them than men. Most people who get migraines have others in their family who suffer from them too.
It's hard to etermine why people get migraines, even though there's been a lot of research. It's likely that migraines are caused by imbalances in brain chemistry, particularly in the brainstem and the way it interacts interactions with the trigeminal nerve.
Environmental factors seem to be influential too. Change in the seasons, or even daily weather, seem to trigger migraines. Many migraine sufferers are sensitive to variances in barometric pressure.
Other migraine triggers include
* Foods and food additives. Aged cheeses, salty foods and processed foodslead this list.
* Skipping meals or fasting.
* Alcohol, especially red wine, and highly caffeinated beverages.
* Stress at work or home.
* Bright lights, loud sounds and even strong smells.
* Disruptions in sleep patterns
* Intense physical exertion
* Certain medications.
* In women, monthly hormonal changes, pregnancy or menopause.
Your doctor is your best source of information about migraines.
I've produced several other videos on the related topics. You can find links to those videos above.